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Water Quality and Treatment Laboratory



이윤호 Yunho Lee
  • LAB NAMEWater Quality and Treatment Laboratory 수질 및 수처리 연구실
  • E-MAILyhlee42@gist.ac.kr
  • TEL82 (0)62-715-2468
  • FAX82 (0)62-715-2434
  • WEBSITE http://wqtl.gist.ac.kr/


  • Water Quality & Treatment Laboratory (WQTL) investigates major water quality issues and develops/optimizes advanced water treatment and resource recovery processes for safe drinking water supply, sustainable water resource management and protection of aquatic ecosystems that are continuing challenging issues in the community of water scientists and engineers worldwide.


  • Water quality and treatment, drinking water chemistry
  • Oxidation/disinfection processes for water and wastewater treatment
  • Gravity-driven membrane (GDM) process as appropriate drinking water technology


  • 2001 - 2005 / Ph.D. School of Chemical and Biological Engineering, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea
  • 1999 - 2000 / M.S. School of Chemical Engineering, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea
  • 1995 - 1998 / B.S. School of Chemical Engineering, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea


  • 2014 - Visiting research scientist, EPFL, Laboratory for water quality and treatment (Prof. Dr. Urs von Gunten Group)
  • 2011 - Professor, GIST-Gwangju Institute of Science & Technology, Schol of Environmental Science and Engineering, Gwangju, Korea
  • 2006 - 2011 Post-doctoral research scientist, Eawag, Water Resources and Drinking Water Department (Dr. Urs von Gunten Group), Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology, Switzerland


  • Since 2013, Editor of Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering http://www.journals.elsevier.com/journal-of-environmental-chemical-engineering
  • Since 2016, Advisory board member of Environmental Science & Technology Letter http://pubs.acs.org/page/estlcu/editors.html
  • 2014 - 2017, Editorial board member of Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology http://pubs.rsc.org/en/journals/journalissues/ew#!issueid=&type=current
  • 2019.October. Co-organizer of 11th Micropol & Ecohazard international conference (IWA), Seoul
  • 2018. Sep, Co-organizer of 3rd Busan Water International Workshop on Drinking water quality and treatment, Busan Bexco
  • 2017. Sep, Co-organizer of 2nd Busan Water International Workshop on Advanced Technologies for Water Treatment, Busan Bexco
  • 2016. March, Co-organizer of Busan Water International Workshop on NOM and Control of DBPs, Busan Bexco
  • Since 2015, Board member of IWA Specialist Conference on Assessment and Control of Micropollutants and Hazardous Substances in Water
  • 2014, Co-organizer of workshop-oxidation technologies for advanced water treatment: present and future, Seoul National University (supported by BK21plus), April 11.
  • 2011 - 2015 Program manager for International Environmental Analysis and Education Center (IEAEC), GIST. http://www.ists.unu.edu/
  • Peer reviewers for Environmental Science & Technology (Excellence in review award, 2015), Environmental Science & Technology Letter (Excellence in review award, 2017), Water Research, ES-Water Research & Technology (Outstanding reviewer, 2017), Chemosphere, J.Hazard. Material, Chemical Engineering Journal, Science of Total Environment, Ozone Sci. Eng.
  • Since 2012 대한환경공학회 (이사, 학술위원), 한국물환경학회 (부학술위원장, 2019)/대한상하수도 학회 (회원, 편집위원, 2012년), 공업화학회 (회원), 대한화학회 (회원)
  • 2018.03 – 2020.02 인천광역시 상수도사업본부 기술자문위원
  • 2014 – 2015 영산강 유역청 환경영향평가 검토자문단
  • 2014 – 2015 K-water 광주전남지역본부 수돗물 수질협의회 위원


  • 2017 과학기술 정보통신부 장관 표창 (기후기술협력 기반조성)
  • 2019 차세대 과학기술 한림원 회원 (Young KAST)
  • 2022 K-Water 학술상 시상식,젊은물 학술인상 수상(물 환경 분야)


  • Since 2011 Environmental oxidants: chemistry and applications, Graduate level course, GIST, Korea
  • Since 2012 Environmental chemistry, Graduate level course, GIST, Korea
  • Since 2012 Environmental organic chemistry, Graduate level course, GIST, Korea
  • Since 2013 Drinking water quality and treatment: principles and applications, Graduate level course, GIST, Korea


  • “중소규모 정수장 조류기인 유해물질 최적제어를 위한 산화처리 실증기술개발, 환경산업기술원, 2015 - 2017년 (위탁연구책임자)
  • “육상양식장 배출수내 유해물질 처리를 위한 장치개발, 한국해양과학 기술진흥원, 2015 - 2017년 (연구책임자)
  • “조류, 조류기인 유해물질 및 소독부산물의 수처리 공정내 거동과 제거특성 파악을 통한 정수처리 최적화 (Fate and removal of algae, algal-derived hazardous substances, and disinfection byproducts in drinking water treatment: process understanding and optimization), 미래부-사회문제해결형 기술개발 사업, 2014 - 2016년 (세부참여연구원)
  • “산화수처리에서 니트로(소) 화합물의 생성: 화학 및 독성학적 특성 분석 및 생성억제 전략 개발 (Formation of nitro(so) compounds during oxidative water treatment: chemical and toxicological characterization and mitigation strategy development) 연구재단-중견 핵심연구, 2014 - 2016년 (연구책임자)
  • “에코스마트 상수도시스템 개발사업단, 6세부-수질 맞춤형 정수처리 공정개발, 수질오염사고 대응 고도정수처리 모사기 개발, 환경부, 2014 - 2015년 (세세부참여연구원)
  • “녹조기인 주요유해물질 오염물질 대비 최적 정수처리 기술개발’ KIST OPEN RESEARCH PROGRAM, 녹조방제기술개발, 2013 년 (위탁연구 책임자)
  • “수처리 공정 및 자연수계에서 산화 및 광화학반응에 의한 신종오염물질의 산화변환: 반응속도, 산화반응 부산물 및 독성변화연구 (Transformation of emerging contaminants of concern by oxidative (photo)chemical reactions in technical and natural systems)’ 연구재단-신진연구, 2012 - 2015년 (연구책임자)
  • “광주지역 정수장의 오존 및 활성탄 고도정수처리 도입을 위한 기초연구’ 광주녹색환경지원센터, 2012년 (연구책임자)


  • https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Yunho_Lee2
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